This day is celebrated every year on June 15th. The theme for the year 2020 is "Lifting up voices". The principal goal of the World Elder Abuse Day is to provide our communities around the globe with an opportunity to get a better knowledge of abuse and neglect of older people.

Today's generation, the youth age (18-35) should support and talk to their grandparents on evert weekend and occasions. Especially, the children must take care of these elder to the fullest.

If we count world wide the population of elderly people are more in number as compare to others according to the report of UN.

There are seven forms of abuse that elders face. These abuse are physical abuse, abandonment, financial abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and self-neglect. On the Internet it is revealed that most of the elders have facedabuse of their own children and grandchildren, just because they are no longer deemed 'useful'. 
So spread awareness, not just to help other's identity cases of elderly abuse but also to share the same information with elders who might facing this.

Share the below information and do take necessary steps to curb elderly abuse:

1. The Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007has made maintenance a legal obligation. Maintenance includes food, clothing, residence, medical attendance and treatment.
2. Senior citizens can apply for an allowance from their children and if not provided is punishable under this act.
3. The act also provides "Childless Senior Citizens" who are unable to maintain themselvesfrom their own income can demand maintenance from their relatives.


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